Greetings all,

Last week we spent some time sharing how to get the most out of our Holy Communion services @ Life Community with those who were online Sunday morning live and those who joined us later through our Facebook page. I received some encouraging responses to what we talked about and how helpful it was in understanding the importance of this Sacrament which we observe twice a month @ LCC. 

Many of you guys know how much Communion means to this church. Without it, we would miss the  opportunity to Receive what God longs to Provide. So I wanted to remind all of us to recall two words that can make a difference in experiencing a more power filled memory in Communion. Those words: Adapt and Accommodate. Jesus said in John’s Gospel: The Spirit will take from what is mine and make it known to you. Jesus’ point here redounds to you and me. God has, inside of Communion, given us the possibility of a new life (even with this pandemic) which we can fully see through the Sacrament of Holy Communion. 

This Sunday we have Pastor Thomas back in the spotlight and I’m looking forward to his message as I know you guys are as well. 

And I’m going to take a few minutes to introduce our November speaking series on Conversations With God. As a part of that series, you’ll get to hear from some of the people who have been a part of our Wednesday Prayer Component gathering!

One last important item and I’ll let you go. During this Pandemic we have missed the opportunity to connect with one another in person, in real time, with real people. This coming week I will be sending out an update on where we are currently as we look at the options of reopening @ MTC. Once you receive this email I would appreciate each of you responding with your own feelings and questions. You are a part of LCC and your opinion is always welcome in this church.

Have a blessed weekend and we hope to see you online this Sunday beginning at 10:15 am.

Pastor Mike



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