Years ago I began a blog which failed from the beginning, I assumed due to both my ignorance and lack of commitment. I discovered when I was honest with myself that there was a third reason which I now name as “hubris” revealing itself as it always does in self promotion.
I have something I believe reveals my humanishness, a need to be known. I’m assuming all of us to some degree want to be known yet find that “being known” can at times feel like that metaphor – a bridge too far. I’m often reminded of Jo Beth Williams line in that movie The Big Chill when in dialogue with old friends she says; Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t know we were telling the truth here.
Pretension is quite likely both a social and emotional epidemic in America. I think most people want to be real but learn to settle for pretension because of a fear driven by losing their position of acceptance. At least that’s the Life Boat Theory Donald Miller wrote about in his book – Searching for God Knows What.
I am beginning this second attempt at blogging with renewed confidence focused on the people I do life with who I’ve joined with on the journey of significant and meaning filled friendships. And I want to invite you to be a critical part of reading and responding to the posts I put up here @
Presently I am writing a book entitled simply – Participation. Much of that book deals with the human longing for a place to be the person you were created to be. Over the course of this year I hope to post several times each week as my schedule allows. More importantly I hope to hear from you and your friends, and possibly their friends as together we share stories, anecdotes, victories, losses, encouragement, and challenges of real life.
I close this opening with a quote from Father Richard Rohr.
The energy in the universe is in relationship
Have an awesome day!
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