Two minute read.

This is our 8th blog post focused on the Heart of the Matter. This will be our final piece as I will try to finish with why the Heart is so critical to those who are pursuing, and as well to those who may in the future pick up their own thought process in the Scriptures.

We spoke of the word Heart throughout these 7 posts and this final one I hope will remain helpful in someway to each of us.

Dr. Dallas Willard notes in his book; The Divine Conspiracy that; Life Organizes Itself Around Our Heart.

Our Heart is our Will and our Spirit, the Center of our Being. It allows us, with the Holy Spirit to orient our lives.

Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount said this in Matthew 6:23, The eye is the lamp of the body. So, if your eye is healthy, your whole body will be full of light.

He was comparing what is heart sight to our eyesight, or in His words, full of light! When you and I are running on 20/20 to see, it becomes clear. Could that happen as well with our heart? According to Jesus; your whole body will be full of light!

Brother Willard noted this: The heart, or will, (let’s not miss the will)…… is spirit in human beings.

We are spiritual beings who currently have a physical body. “Spiritual” is not just something we ought to be. It is something we cannot escape, regardless of how we may think or feel about it. It is our nature and our destiny.

Paul in Galatians 5:22-23 shares with us one of the most critical passages you and I could claim everyday underwritten by the Spirit. My wife Lynda has for many years now challenged me when I was having a pity party to go to these two passages. And it works every time!

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

As we close, let us be reminded that the heart in the human system is the core of its being. Knowing that has changed my own life. 

Are there days that ring me like a washing machine? Absolutely there are.

In closing, I’d like to leave us with these two passages that have helped  

You will seek me and find me, when you seek me   with all your heart.Jeremiah 29:13


And (Jesus) said; “You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.Matthew 22:37

Today, wherever you might be, whatever you might be doing, try these two verses and feel the impact of God!





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