Two minute read.

In the piece I wrote at the end of last week; Christian Americana 1, I wrote; Almost anything in our week can pull us off course.

We’ve known this to be true from the time we were toddlers. Perhaps it was meant to be so that you and I have literally nothing to do but try and make an excuse (which never works), or find a way to the TRUTH!

Christian Americana (CA) often finds itself on a sticky wicket. So many Christian Denominations have split off from others, and people don’t connect before moving on, and that can be a good or bad thing.

I think of Acts 2 (The Fellowship of the Believers). Most people who are Pursuing the Life of God, find Acts 2:42-47 a good place to connect because of these simplistic 4 words; Teaching, Fellowship, Communion, and Prayer.

The Greek word for Assembly is Ekklesia. In Matthew, Jesus noted this: I will build My Church meaning the Church, which is His Body. 

Looking at these last two paragraphs, we could at least have continued with those 4 Words and Jesus our Savior, but mankind, as usual, found a way to screw it all up. 

Who BELONGS to God, through Jesus Christ, and with the Holy Spirit the truth? Check it out in John 15-17.

Indeed, how Do We Belong as Christians? These days I often use the term  Followers of Jesus. It fits us at Life Community Church.

To Belong is to ACT.

The power of Community is that together there is MORE so don’t settle for less. If your life is too full, what could you do to change up your day, your week, your month, your year. 

That sounds like great news, but only if we are embracing it. To embrace Belonging means, at Life Community Church (LCC), to give yourself (as much as you can) to Community.

Allen Hirsch – “The Community for Me”? or “Me for the Community”?

Belonging isn’t automatic, it requires something of us, action on our part.

With these days where we wonder about our own faith and following Jesus, there is also a tendency to push away. Thousands and thousands are doing just that in America. They call them the “Nones”. 

We at LCC would gladly have them give us a look. Or, check us out at or visit our service on our Facebook page. We are Life Community Church on Longpoint Road in Mount Pleasant, SC.

We’ll get two posts up again next week. Share us with anyone who has lost their desire. We understand YOU!

God’s peace – Pastor Mike



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