Two minute read.
Greetings from down here in the Lowcountry of South Carolina.
It’s early July and if all goes as it usually does we will be with these 90 plus degrees deep into September. This is part of being here, a part of being able to spend 5 minutes driving the Isle of Palm connector to be on the sandy shores of the Atlantic Beach.
I begin with this because we can take from this opening an understanding about our topic; LIVING FAITH. Let’s see where it can lead us.
All things that are honorable will be found as meaningful. This means that human communication has a price, a price that is worth paying if we so desire to get involved.
Someone once said; To belong is to survive. Can you recall a time like that in your life? Take a couple of minutes to ponder because this can change a great deal for you and others.
When we stop for a moment at an intersection, it can be a wonderful opportunity to consider something that has been inside of us. The stopping may just bring it to light. Multitudes of people sitting at that red light are doing absolutely nothing! What a shame to miss a new opportunity that surrounds us.
Not too long ago I shared a quote from Thomas Aquinas:
“To one who has faith no explanation is necessary. To one without faith, no explanation is possible.”
We might read through that several times allowing it to enlighten us. We Americans seem so busy that we tend to miss intersections where God is beginning something new.
Check this out from Abraham Lincoln:
“The struggle for today is not altogether for today, it is for a vast future also.“
Look, I have a tendency at times to jump in and hang on, instead of considering. You know like…..
What’s up with this?
Who is behind this?
How does this work for me?
Why should I pursue a new thing?
Where will this take me?
Well here’s what I would challenge all of us as I am right in the middle of this with you:
In a Living Faith, God is working every angle for our success.
In a Living Faith, you and I can push back at being passive or detached because LF is about action and engagement.
A Living Faith generates it’s own momentum.
Let me close for now with this although we are not through. Why wouldn’t one think that a Living Faith would be better than any other approach?
Simple my friends! Jesus has already determined that question.
You did not choose me but I chose you – John15:16
Hope to connect with you in a couple of days.
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