Two minute read.
We began two days ago to talk about what it means to pursue Living Faith. To talk about what it means to pursue, challenges us to make a choice. And a number of folks will fall off in the process. We’ll get to that matter in another blog post.
But let us be clear here, God never gives up on anyone. We hear from Jesus in His words; You did not choose me but I chose you. John 15:16.
A number of Christians who live amongst us in America, (God Bless Them) have a position, but in my understanding, that position tends to be difficult given the verse John15:16. Here’s why:
“For I long to see you, that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to strengthen you – that is, that we maybe mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.” Romans 1:11-12
I am not a theologian, but 32 years in ministry does give me a bit of inspiration. And as I read over and over Romans 1 piece, here is what I read – it is simplistic. We need not go any further.
…..that we may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith, both yours and mine.
Paul begins here with 6 words that came into his HEART! For I long to see you. No doubt about that whatsoever. Paul oftentimes notes that he longs to see and to hear, and to be with those he is bringing to Jesus.
When Paul or you or me, send a letter of encouragement to people we can bet that spiritual renewal leads to focus in our lives and in their lives.
In first century Palestine and as well in Mt. Pleasant South Carolina 2023, we can be ready to see how the power to live a NEW LIFE in a world disconnected from God can be seen as a beginning, and an opening for those who SEE and HEAR.
How would we score our own faith? Stop and look at where you are with God. It’s an important question and one which should be examined every month of the year.
Every 30 days take a look at how you grew spiritually. Also look at how you stayed in place or you may have gone backwards. In all of this God is for you. Next week at the ending of LIVING FAITH, we will spend the last piece with some awesome ways to refocus our trust in God.
What metric would we use to determine how effective your faith is day by day. We’ll come back to work through that next week.
And along with that, as we pursue the life that Jesus won for us, we will look at these upcoming 3 questions.
- A faith not worth wrestling with is not a faith worth having.
- A faith which you do not trust is not a faith that can renew you.
- A faith disconnected from others on the journey is an impossibility.
Let’s have a great weekend as we enjoy ourselves with others on the road to a LIVING FAITH with God!
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