Greetings all. Thanks for finding this blog and hopefully reading the contents of this post as well as the posts which found their way in earlier this year and back to our initial posting on August 2, 2019. Wow, we’re almost a year old!
In our initial post on What About Faith? I wrote this statement; I believe everyone has faith…We practice faith in our own way. Faith is needed to navigate our way through life and life will give us many opportunities to prove our faith to be; right or wrong, good or bad, helpful or harmful, etc., etc. All of us, without exception, know this to be true simply because all of us have experienced the dual outcomes which are in play whenever we choose to exercise faith. It is one thing to speak of faith as a noun. It is much different to speak of faith as a verb when we define itas being the complete trust or confidence in someone or something. Complete, is a scary word to most of us and that alone can become a stumbling block for us attempting to move from faith as a noun to faith as a verb.
Now, I need to be up front here. I realize there are people and there are causes. There are ideas and there are institutions. And there are churches and there are companies whom we have placed our faith in; you know like Pepsi or Coke, Hellmans or Dukes where it is not just about faith, it’s also about taste. Stay with me here.
Taste, as it turns out, can be applied in a broad sense within the English language. It is about more than just flavor. We use this word to speak of our discernment, our inclinations, our judgements and predilections. Ain’t the English language awesome!
It’s interesting to note that the word taste was used in both the Old and New Testaments of the Bible. David, the young shepherd who bravely walked into a fight with a giant of a man named Goliath, won that battle and ultimately became the King of Israel. No doubt that earlier event in his young life was on his resume’ that led to being crowned a King. I bring in David because he wasn’t only a warrior and a king, he was also a poet who wrote a number of chapters in the Book of Psalms.
In the 34th Psalm David writes: Oh taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is he who takes refuge in him! David is by this time speaking out of his heart not just his mind. He is using poetry which we see throughout the Psalms. By the way, do you ever read the Psalms? Scroll through that Old Testament book and here are ten I recommend in just the first third of that book.
(Psalm 8,9,16,18,23,27,30,34,46,47)
What’s the point here in this second post on What About Faith? When it comes to faith, to taste is to act. A lot of people will say that they believe in God. Belief has become a word for many people which equals faith. Belief is good, it’s a start, it gets us in the door. But faith, or more specifically a faith that has tasted (think tested) now that’s a faith that is headed somewhere, that’s a faith that is moving, influencing, and beginning to transition one’s life onto a larger platform for living.
I’ll be back on Monday with a new post, but for now I am curious as to what you are reading in these posts that you may have a question or comment about. As always, would love to hear from you so send me your thoughts and let’s begin a conversation on FAITH!
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