I chose to take a month and a half hiatus from writing in order to find my voice again during these days of pandemic.
I didn’t want to stop writing. I wasn’t bored by writing. It wasn’t that I had run out of topics to write about. It seemed like jumping out of a plane without a parachute…just curious if anyone else had done this and survived?
Having said that, I must confess, is either stupid or sublime. It’s either meaningful or maddening. Or, it’s quite possible that it is the long, slow, creeping each of us experiences as first timers inside of a real pandemic.
During my walkabout I discovered some things about me that I’ll need to write about in my Talk Ain’t Cheap blog posts…………..
This series of posts, Who Are You? was birthed by a couple of old books I reread and a couple of new books (to me) I uncovered. I’ll introduce those books over the writing of these upcoming posts and if there is one thing I could praise about this self quarantining, it would be the return of lost hours of simply reading.
One of the books I read was published sixteen years ago. Lynda had read it then and later encouraged me to read it. “Good advice Lynda.”
The book was written by Laurie Beth Jones. It’s title; Jesus Life Coach. Everybody needs a little or a lot of notorious JLC! The dive into the ubiquitous InTrOdUcTiOn reminded me why I had read this book years and years ago. Why? Because it’s an “8” on a scale of “10”.
JLC is about four words; Focus, Balance, Productivity, and Fulfillment. These themes include sixty chapters with an average of five pages each followed up with two or three questions. While one could literally read this book in a day, in doing that they’d be missing the point of reading it at all.
JLC is about you and me and others, many others…like everyone that has an interest in Who They Are becoming. And here’s the cool thing: my last uncompleted series; Doing Vs. Being, gets absorbed into the Who Are You posts. In my 3rd post on DvB I asked the question; Who Are You? We spent a couple of pages considering that question in a broad based way.
Here’s part of what we considered:
Do I prioritize time over people or productivity over relationships?
Do I fail to express myself openly?
Do you see the complexities in life as a gift?
Does who you are becoming fulfill the role our world needs?
Do you have a deepening sense of where life comes from?
Each of those five questions would be a challenge to the vast majority of humanity today. In two of those questions you will encounter the act of DOING. In three of those questions you will find the words which reveal the essence of a person… their BEING.
Our next post inside this series we will be examining how to Redefine Reality. It’s a piece which calls us to become more specific about the life we’re living. Is it the life you expected? Is there room for honesty? I hope there is.
And as I close, I want to ask you if you have a Mission Statement for your life? Now, don’t check out on me here. It’s just a question. I want to share mine with you and encourage you to work on one for your own life. It’s the FIRST requirement for living a life of FOCUS.
We’ve got a lot to talk about. Think about it like this; we’ve all got a lot to look forward to in this pursuit of a life of Being Who We Are.
Thanks for your interest,
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