Two minute read.

We looked briefly at these two questions: IS GOD FOR US? and ARE WE FOR GOD?

I hope you took a look at the last two blog posts where we set up options that, to be certain, challenge us as we try to move forward. We all have times throughout our lives as followers of Jesus where we tell the truth and at other times tell a lie. 

I note that I used this new piece; Christian Americana, (CA)for a reason.  My understanding of CA begins and continues with one foot in and one foot out of this idea of Pursuing the Life of God.

Almost anything in our week can pull us off course. The longer we stay stuck the more we forget following Jesus. We might turn around and jump back into Jesus, only to have it happen again, and again, and again.

I know. I get it. I’ve been there more than once. It’s one hell of a way to engage life. It’s like static, like running in place going nowhere or just leaving because your week is pulling you away without a true reason.

But hold it. At one time when God seemed to be NOWHERE in my life I stopped and ask myself…how, when and why did this happen? It reminded me of Paul Simon’s song, Slip Slidin’ Away.

Slip Slidin’ Away

Slip Slidin’ Away

You Know The Nearer Your Destination

The More You’re Slip Sliding Away 

Those 4 words: The Nearer Your Destination The More You’re Slip Sliding Away.

Can you recall a time in your life where you just absolutely felt as if you were right at your Destination, only to be hijacked, Slip Slidin Away? Of course we have, even if we haven’t recalled such a time. Think about it. I bet it’s in there, perhaps missed, ask God, see what happens!

God is FOR US!

But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. 

Romans 5:8

We need help grasping that someone would be FOR US just because we exist. Paul had a huge problem at one time believing in a God who was FOR HIM!

This changed because he experienced God’s Mercy, Forgiveness, Grace, and Love. We can as well.

So what  do you think? With God on our side like this, how can we lose? If God didn’t hesitate to put everything on the line FOR US, embracing our condition and exposing himself to the worst by sending his own Son, is there anything else he wouldn’t gladly and freely do FOR US?

Romans 8:31-32

Let’s close with these 3 Questions:

  1. What Do You Think?
  2. How Can We Lose?
  3. Is There Anything God Wouldn’t Do FOR US?

God’s Peace,




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