Hey Friends and Family,
What INSPIRED your life this week? Stop. Take a few minutes and work back through these last five to six days.
What enlivened you or motivated you? What encouraged you or invigorated your life? In these days it doesn’t take much to accomplish for us to be inspired!
The cool thing about inspiration is that often it comes to us in the most surprising of ways.
Think about this for a moment. What is your typical response to being inspired? Let me suggest there is one which beats all others. When inspired, integrate that most recent inspiration into your life in some way, pay it forward!
Sunday, as we continue our One Day At A Time series, we’re going to look at some inspirational ideas that can help us move away from hectic schedules that pull us away from being present to the hour, the day, and the week ahead of us.
Think of it with this question in mind:
How can we Connect the details of our Daily Lives with the Present Availability of a Parallel Option for living?
This is First Sunday which means we will be celebrating Communion together. Get your Bread and Wine ready and join us for this Sacrament. As always, this is more than a religious ceremony; this is about finding strength for the journey we are all on.
Please reach out to someone you know who would benefit from joining with LCC online Sunday mornings at 10:15.
God’s peace and blessings to each of you,
Pastor Mike
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