Greetings Dear Friends,
Everyday we are hearing this phrase, Pandemic Fatigue. Nine or Ten months of uncertainty can result in one becoming fatigued. Words like: weary, exhausted, tired, bored, spent, depleted begin to creep into our minds.
Do you ever ask yourself: How am I going to get through this? The cynics or detractors among us would never admit to having asked themselves such a question. Stephen Colbert once said: Cynics always say no. But saying yes begins things.Getting through this pandemic, an obvious reality you and I live in, will require a YES if we are to overcome what is ahead. To say YES is not simply about you or me, it’s about others, as Jesus often said; love your neighbor as yourself.
In the Gospel of Luke 10:25-42, one guy actually asks Jesus,And who is my neighbor? Jesus, the consummate storyteller, answered with a story because stories are about PEOPLE! If you have a Bible, take time to read the story Jesus shared and see what you think a neighbor is. The read will take you about 2 minutes.
The point here is that everyone must answer; who is my neighbor. And in so doing, I believe you and I will find an answer to overcoming the fatigue of this pandemic because reaching out to others changes your heart toward humankind. Hope is a choice, It’s a Jesus thing! Say YES and see what will happen in your life.
Every Wednesday morning I reach out to a dozen people who gather for Prayer Component.
PC is literally one of the top 5 best decisions Life Community has fallen into. Inside of this group I have been drawn back from fatigue many times. I experience newness of life being with this group each Wednesday and it has made the difference in my life between choosing Joy or Despair during these last nine months. Everyone is welcome regardless of how much time you may have on a Wednesday morning @ 9am, come try PC.
This Sunday Pastor Thomas is sharing a message in our Conversations With God series. He’s going to lead with a challenging question. Check it out: Are your conversations with God being heard or does your call go straight to voicemail? I can’t wait to hear this talk and I’m hoping you’ll be a part of the online audience attending.
The Lord bless you and keep you, The Lord make his face to shine upon you and be graciousto you.
Pastor Mike
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