Two minute read.

I have often noted this critical need that all of us have: the need to BELONG! 

Know one gets past it without a deepening well of others who care for us. Many people seem to take belonging for granted. They get connected and take that as if a new person is now in my life without stepping out to care for them as they care for us.

Seriously, we’ve all probably figured it this way; they won’t miss me if I just slip away. Remember that people do miss a loss!

From the beginning of the Acts 2 church; if we can call it that, many came in and few walked out!

What are the elements of belonging that give us assurance?

And what is our contribution to the community we chose to connect with?

In the last blog post we ended with 3 sentences. We’ll look at them one at a time.

A faith that is not worth wrestling for is not a faith worth having. 

This runs parallel with us as well as with the other individual who came into our life. That word wrestling needs some meat on it before we get too far.

The Webster dictionary gives us a couple of reasons why, when wrestling with another, one wins and won loses. But is that actually true? At times but not often. Think twice about wrestling, it seldom ever turns out how we want it to in the end.

Meriam Webster notes – A contest in which two unarmed individuals struggle, while each attempts to unbalance the other one.

That’s exactly what Jesus wanted us to do, right? 

Start a contest, begin a struggle, and create an unbalanced approach to how two can get so far away from what Jesus wanted? Don’t take my word for it, in the Gospel of Matthew we find what Jesus wanted:

And a second is like it: You shall love your neighbor as yourself. Matthew 22:39

Jesus dealt with this. If a human has lost their way and cannot be who they were born to be,’ it becomes difficult. It happens. This individual may need help from others until they can find peace, hope, and love for themselves. 

I trust that we can understand this last point. 

BE YOU. With your gifts, help a desperate friend find the hope they have longed to know.

We will look at the second piece next: A Faith which you do not Trust is not a Faith that can Renew you.

God’s Peace dear Friends – MC



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