2 minute.
In this second part of Life With God, I want to turn to Skye Jethani and his book, Reimagining The Way You Relate To God. Jethani identified 5 options we choose to relate with God. There are 4 ways we pursue the life of God which are familiar but can be unfilling. The author notes that these 4 options all seek to; use God to achieve some other goal and that goal is often for us a means to an end.
Permission to speak frankly? I have in some way or another been guilty of all of the following.
As someone once noted; “You can be sincere about a lot of things you do in life and, at the same time you can be sincerely wrong”
Check out these first two in today’s post.
First – When we live our life FROM God. Sometimes we can get our wants confused with our needs. Consumerism is without question the primary god of the American experience. It is a way of life that leaves us empty.
C.S. Lewis wrote: “Contentment is not the fulfillment of what we want, but the realization of how much we already have.”
Contentment doesn’t come in getting more, it comes in living with what God has already given, today, one day at a time.
How might we turn this around?
Psalm 37:4 – Delight yourself in the Lord and, He will give you the desires of your heart.
Second – When we live our life OVER God we may find ourselves worshiping principles.
This is a tough one because the life God blesses does lead us to embrace healthy principles for living.
The problem appears when we measure our worth to God by being on the religious stuff. Remember that Jesus reduced over 300 principles down to two; Love God and Love Others.
That was a huge risk on his part but he knew most of us are trying to work our way to God.
God can and often does become irrelevant to those who substitute behaving for believing or belonging.
Fall in love with God and live life like you want to even when it is not easy. Find yourself being challenged and changed.
Next Tuesday we’ll complete Life With God by looking at……………
Living our life UNDER God
Living our life FOR God (this is a secret one)
Living our life WITH God
Blessings to each of you,
Pastor Mike
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