Here’s a short Thanksgiving post to all of you who visit my Blog. It comes from my heart so don’t say anything to hurt me okay. But, please, by all means, comment or add to this mini post your thoughts on not just this holiday but giving thanks for life in general.
There are many things like events, toys, opportunities, etc., etc., which we find ourselves thankful for on a daily basis. We know that we have a feedback loop which dumps that awesome chemical serotonin into our brain creating feelings of happiness when we’ve experienced something that makes us happy. We know this because this has happened at times to all of us. Like right now you might be feeling a sense of goodwill because Mike is taking time out of his Thanksgiving holiday to say to me he is thankful for me.
Well, you’d be right, I am taking time to do just that, but the point isn’t just to say to you how grateful I am to have you in my life.
The point is to say how your being in my life has changed me, challenged me, taught me, encouraged me, supported me, inspired me………. I could go on and on, but this is a mini blog today!
You people – you individually have spoken into my life through your own lives what it literally means to be alive and to embrace life day by day with thanksgiving.
That’s it. You have been a part of making me, ME! And for that contribution from you I say to myself, to my God, and to each of you
God’s peace,
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