Two minute read.
Following Jesus isn’t “Rocket Science”. God doesn’t hide growth opportunities from us. He places them front and center of our lives. If we’re Looking and Listening, we’ll find them.
Jesus said:
“If you have eyes to see then see; ears to hear then hear. My sheep listen to my voice. I know them and they know me.” John 10:27
Later, Peter gives us a word picture in I Peter 1:14
“Let yourself be pulled into a way of life shaped by God.“
It is clearly possible for God to shape our lives, but what would that look like? Good question!
I have been pursuing the Life of God for 57 years. Here’s what I can tell you right now:
- It’s not Pass or Fail, there’s Grace!
- It’s Exhilarating when God and I Connect
- It’s Challenging yet always Fulfilling
- It’s Risky trusting a God I can’t see
- It’s a Rush when I am Quiet and God slides in Close
- It’s about Leaving and Following
There are days however that I find myself STUCK! I realize then that life is opposed to me for an hour, for a day, etc.
There is this Connect/Disconnect thing happening which all of us at times are complicit with. What we Believe hasn’t impacted who we are Becoming.
Stephen Covey calls this Living a life of incongruency.
Here’s the best advise anyone has ever given me. “Mike, just have an honest conversation with God.” IT WORKS, really. Over the years those honest conversations have Transformed my life.
Here’s how those conversations look in my life. Two Questions sandwiched between Two Confessions.
God, I cannot change myself so give me the gift of SURRENDER to you
No one Surrenders with out a compelling reason.
Jesus’ life, his death, and his resurrection should be enough for us.
What are my Real Needs, what do I need help with right now?
It’s strange (or maybe not), but the power of denial in most of us is amazingly strong.
Could it be that we simply do not want to know the truth about the life we are living at times?
There is tremendous energy in asking an honest question of God!
Would you help me do the next right thing I can do to follow your will in this situation?
Admitting we don’t know the steps is not a weakness but a strength.
Think about it.
It open us up to receiving Revelation from God. And Revelation can lead to Wisdom.
As I stay Connected to you God, give me the Inner Strength in my Soul to do your will on Earth as it is in Heaven.
Lauren Dalessandro said this:
“The biggest reason you can’t discover who you are until you know God is because knowing him will change who you are.“
You alone, are the one qualified to be You. But let each of us remember that without Jesus we can lose our qualification. Not from God but from our own inaction to follow God’s call in our lives.
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