Two minute read.
Trust leads to Integrity that creates a Wholeness in one’s Life
While that sounds right, (and I believe it is) finding the moxie in me and you will challenge us. We want it, but we understand it is not going to just happen.
Trust, Integrity, Wholeness, and one’s Life, how long does this continue to last? Hopefully forever, but don’t give up. I have attempted and failed often because I was not ready for what God had for me. Like the Rich Young Ruler, I, too, have walked away. The challenge too difficult at those times.
But God does not give up!
Let’s be honest, committing one’s self isn’t easy, nor should it be! Moving toward Wholeness will always be opposed. And that opposition can push many away until they come to grips.
The battle is taking place INSIDE of us. And perhaps we missed that there is an Enemy who knows us all too well. We may not see it, or seeing it we may not recognize it. But God is at work redeeming all He has ever created.
Why? Because this is where we find our Source for Living Life.
Listen to Paul’s words about how he and so many around him were finding life in Jesus.
“For in him we live and move and have our being.” Acts 17:28
Our BEING is our HEART!!!! And that, for you and me, changes Life as we have Lived so far.
Let me close from the book – God On Earth, by author Douglas Bannister in the chapter entitled; Feeling God’s Pleasure. Bannister quotes an author I have a tendency to read often, Parker Palmer; “who took two trips through the dark woods of depression for Palmer to “wear his own face” and pursue a life and ministry that resonated with how God made him.”
“Our deepest calling is to grow into our own authentic selfhood, whether or not it conforms to some image of who we ought to be. As we do so, we will not only find the joy that every human seeks – we will also find our path of authentic service in the world.“
Parker Palmer
Please take the time to re-read the depth of Palmer’s two sentences.
- Truth
- Integrity
- Wholeness
- Life
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