Two minute read.

Samuel Johnson said;  “Almost all of us waste a part of our life in attempt to display qualities we do not possess.

I know for me that I did not waste a part of my life, it was probably a lot more!

It is, without thought, that we will look for the next thing we believe will open up life for us in someway.

At 69, I have long past let go of who I am not. More about that in the up and coming second and third pieces of The Miracle of You.

But for now, may I encourage your own approach away from others and begin the real you, the real person who God created. Life is in you, and you alone have it inside of you.

Mark Batterson noted; “True freedom is having nothing to prove.” 

And there are a Gazillion of women and men who wonder; WHO AM I? As far as I can tell, Jesus never tried to prove himself to people. When people asked for proof, like the know it all Pharisees, Jesus simply does not give in to them.

I have run back and forth through the Gospels pretending to find out what Jesus carried and what He chose to reveal. 

Jesus was not the answer man that many hoped for in those days. And so many gave Him a wink and a nod and went away to find another who might satisfy their life.

Jesus was what we might call today; the great questionerI still believe those questions are out there for us to wrestle with. 

May I share a thought with you? I hope so.

Are we too apprehensive to take some time, perhaps a time where we come together and work through that which has somehow missed us with Jesus’ lack of words perhaps.

Do we feel as if we may have fumbled? That is to say I missed, I neglected, I hid?

Well, let’s be honest here. The FATHER is willing to give us a pass, He knows our frame and He longs to pull us into that which will Challenge us yes, but also will lead us into this word we all look forward to; Encourage.

That’s enough for now. And may I say; thank you for following through. 




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