Greetings to each of you,
So grateful for you joining us through the Life Community Church weekly E-Letter. We appreciate not only you taking the time to read it, but we also encourage you to respond to the content if you’d like. We always love hearing from you gals and guys!
Pastor Thomas and I spent some time yesterday afternoon discussing our opening series of Sunday messages in 2021 – One Day At A Time. In the first two messages we used two questions as our titles: Who Are You? and Why Are We Here?
These baseline examinations are meant to challenge as well as encourage those of us tuning into the livestream each week. We believe this series is setting up the groundwork needed to support anyone who has a desire to pursue the life God has given them.
In the middle of the Bible there is this awesome Book of Psalms. When you begin reading this book of poems, prayers, and purpose you’ll immediately sense something of the depth of real life coming through the pages.
This week I’ve been considering just ONE statement from the Psalms in the 90th chapter. So teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Read that over several times and give it some thought.
So teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.
For me, the word that stands out here is heart. The word heart occurs over one thousand times in the Bible. To the ancients it’s not about that vital organ in the center of your chest, it’s about our will, our mind, our emotions, our understanding, and our memory. Dallas Willard called it – the executive center of a human being.
If we are interested in building a life One Day At A Time, this verse from the Psalms is critical to that lifestyle. The word wisdom is all about foresight, something we’d need God to bestow upon our day to day living. Or, as another author in the Bible named Samuel wrote; Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.
Hey, this weekend we celebrate the birthday of Martin Luther King. MLK was a man of the heart, a man of wisdom, a man who probably prayed that Psalm 90 verse over and over One Day At A Time.
Pastor Thomas will be speaking to us Sunday about “You May Say I’m A Dreamer, But I’m Not The Only One.” We’re looking forward to what this message will add to our series but that’s not all we’ve got for you.
Kelsey and Maggie will be leading us in Worship. Eric will be back with announcements, and it’s a Third Sunday Celebration of COMMUNION which I’ll be leading. Prepare for this sacrament by having bread/cracker and wine/juice on hand.
I’m getting on the phone today to invite some people to join us at 10:15 Sunday. I want to challenge you to do the same and to feel the encouragement in just reaching out to others during this pandemic. And don’t forget, you can’t be a part of Life Community without BEING LOVED!!!
Blessings to you all,
Pastor Mike
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