Two minute read.

Do you ever think to yourself that there is something more to life than you?

Where does such a thought come from? From people of Faith, or from Faithless people?

How have you found God and how has that gone for you?

When you say the word God, what do you mean?

We hear of God:

  • At award show acceptance speeches
  • Profs who say he is a figment of imagination
  • Recovery groups (higher power)
  • Christians who say natural disasters are his judgement
  • God Bless America!

Over the course of my life God seems, at least in America, the most Unfamiliar Familiarity in the Universe. But two people talking about God can be speaking of 2 different realities.

There are untold Churches throughout America whose approach seems to be a fools error.

If we move back into Genesis 28, we have what I would call a Back Story (Jacob was having a dream at Bethel).

“Surely the Lord is in this place, and I was not aware of it. He was afraid and said: How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of Heaven.” Genesis 28:16-17

I guess that is all Jacob could say in the moment. Don’t we all do that at times?

The story reminds us that God hasn’t changed and that God has not given up on Jacob. God knew him and in the knowing there was yet to come that Jacob, just as all of us, would have a time of connecting with this God. 

Religious systems tend to be Static. Awareness is fluid!

What we can know of life is not held in the realm of logic and reason alone.

Dreamers Vs. Doctrinaires…who is going to win that fight? It’s more than Surviving, it’s about THRIVING!

At Life Community Church we began in that first couple of years to develop a vision that has overwhelmed many of our LCC’ers:

Pursing the Life of God through Meaningful Relationships that Impact Culture.

Those 11 words have kept us together week in and week out. As we think through how God has loved LCC, we return time and time and time again to John’s Gospel chapter 1 verse 5.

The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.




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