2 minute read.
Last week Lynda and I headed out to Tucson, Arizona to spend some time with Lauren, Eric, Zoe, and Aksel. We’ve had a great time being here and will return this Friday.
I told the audience in our blog post that we’d finish the 3rd piece of PIVOT this week. That was before I realized I left my PIVOT file back in my Study.
No worries, somehow I did bring along our upcoming posts entitled LIFE WITH GOD. So we’ll share 3 posts from LWG and then turn back around to complete PIVOT. That’s the plan!
I wonder what this title, LWG means to each of us. Seriously each of us has a choice when it comes to pursuing the God we have chosen.
For me, that gets cleared up with Jesus and the Gospels.
As Isaiah in the Old Testament noted that God said; “See I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up. Do you not see it? I am making a way in the wilderness….”
God asks a question; I am doing a new thing, do you not see it? Or better yet, he is asking his creation, where are y’all with this?
We may say Yes we may say No or, we may say, I Don’t Know. We all have those 3 options.
During these LWG posts, I’d like to see us think more deeply as we look forward to a life of significance. It is a paradigm shift, a new story to live into.
Something happens on a life journey. Either we create that journey or that journey creates us. And that is where we must start regardless of our Yes, our No, or our I Don’t Know.
For me, as well as others who drew me into pursuing the life of God, there became a word that continued to persuade me on my journey. That word has remained with me, it is the word, TRANSFORMATION.
Transformation literally re-establishes our story of life within the story of God.
A Transformed life is not just about Me, it’s about Us
is not about Getting it’s about Giving
is not about Worry it’s about Hope
is not about Hiding it’s about Honesty
In the next blog post of LWG we’ll look at an author, consultant, and pastor, Skye Jethani. One of his books, Reimagining The Way You Relate To God, will be helpful as we continue looking into
Life With God.
Looking forward to where this will lead us.
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