Two minute read.
Let me begin with an apology from the Living Faith – 3 which came out 14 days ago. Due to a couple of issues, we have been unavailable to get this last item on Living Faith – 4 out until today.
The good news is we’re back with number 4 and I trust it will continue to lead us on to the Gospel of Grace!
Not long ago at Life Community Church we were into a series entitled One Day At A Time.
The Big Idea was: LIFE happens on this Journey as we Immerse Ourselves in Relational Truth, leading to Transformational Change.
There was and is a lot inside of that Big Idea; check it out.
Something happens on our Life Journey called Transformation. It is a Paradigm Shift, a New Story to live into. Many Christian folks in their 40s would probably not be inclined to take on this Life Journey because they are overwhelmed with too much going on. A large group across America has gotten into a Church, and cannot see why they would want to add to an already busy Life Journey. And there is an answer.
We’ll here’s a possibility? In place of our Performance Based Identity – What We Do, we embrace an Identity Based Performance – Who We Are.
Think of it as adding to the Kingdom of God as Jesus often noted.
My Life Becomes an Expression of My Relationship through the Indwelling Spirit of God in ME!
Transformation is about:
A Transformed Life is not about ME, it’s about US
It’s not GETTING, it’s about GIVING
It’s not WORRY, it’s about HOPE
It’s not HIDING, it’s about HONESTY
This Transformation is why Jesus came into this World… to share His Divine influence upon our HEARTS!
To Re-connect us to the Image of God inside of us.
To Re-establish Our Story within God’s Story.
Many ask; How does this work? Great Question!
“Above all else, guard your heart, for out of it is the wellspring of life.” Proverbs 4:23
“In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps” Proverbs 16:9
Let’s allow King Solomon a shot at these two passages. But let’s do that next week.
In the meantime, as we read, don’t forget to ask of God that which may challenge us. He has a reason, to be sure!
God’s Peace,
Pastor Mike
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