2 minute read.

As we’ve mentioned before, Sharing Life has a significant impact on us as well as others in our concentric circle of friendship. We can be at times, pretty good, about Sharing Life especially if we listen, act, and care for our fellow friends and, at times reach even further to others in need.

When these approaches connect us to people who are struggling to make life work, the approach leads us out of the typical day-by-day regimen we’ve become used to. What happens at this time is that Jesus begins to use us. And in so doing, tomorrow will never be the same. 

We are walking across a short bridge in these next several posts.

I hope that together we can grasp the context of where we are headed into a profound transformation in ourselves.

Life itself is redeemed by a liberator in the person of Jesus Christ. That by the way created a sea change. 

Acts 17:28In him, we live and move and have our being.

Being is the present tense of the verb, to be which is equal to what we have in English as – “we are”. As we translate ancient Greek to modern English we begin to gather the truth about what it will take Sharing Life.

The History Channel’s Pandemics That Changed History looked at 10 Pandemics beginning in 430 BC Greece.

One Pandemic that did not get studied began in the Garden of Eden with a population of 2. That of course was Adam and Eve and the infamous choice to trade an apple for a paradise. It was the absolute worst trade-off ever made. We might call it, Relational Suicide.

What happened in Eden continues to happen today in us. We call it sin. Or better yet sin which leads to death in a myriad of ways. Sin jumped out of Eden and into the World.

I hate to talk about sin, it makes me feel like a traveling tent evangelist. 

At Life Community, we talk more about the effect of sin. We call it brokenness. It means giving away our strength that God gives us.

Brokenness can lead us into darkness. Darkness is the opposite of light. 

John 1:4-5 In him was life, and that life was the light of mankind, the light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not overcome it.

Darkness creates space in our hearts and minds:

We find Doubt as we question God’s goodness

We find Discouragement as we focus on our problems not on provisions

We find Diversions as wrong things become attractions 

We find Defeat as we sense our failures and stop trying

Let me close with this quote from Nicolas MacDonald:

“It’s not the truth part that gets me, it’s the congruence between me and the truth.”

Have a great weekend and check out the 2nd part of Sharing Life next week.




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