2 minute read.
Humanity, God’s creation, has since the beginning, been focused on taking care of one thing, or better put, focused on one person, ME and YOU.
I have however continued to keep in my own head a list of individuals who seem to be far better set to think of others before thinking of themselves. Perhaps you have noticed this in your own relationships.
Maybe that is why we take enough time sometimes to stop and be still enough in the rat race of life to consider those who’ve spent their time looking deeper into those who are focused on others rather than themselves.
I think that is true and it is true for you and me as we take time to understand why we should care for those who enter into our lives.
The Gospels in the New Testament are an excellent place to begin if we are being challenged by Jesus to think more of others than of ourselves.
Now, let us stop there for a long moment or two to ask the question ourselves. Many of us give our money ( and thank God that we can) but that is not what I mean by Where Are We Headed?
There are times when we are the ones in need. Our response to those times is critical because God may be setting us up for a time to stop at the intersection. That intersection is a time for us to do what anyone would do; STOP! The red light is warning us to stay put until it changes.
The Disciples in the Gospels liked to do exactly what we do: Why do I have to stop and listen? Why doesn’t Peter have to? Peter isn’t ready to stop and see what I have for him right now. This is for you Mike.
You and I do not make our way through life separated from God. As Rob Bell notes “This is a God that is for us, with us, and ahead of us.”
All of us have found ourselves being our own god or gods, oftentimes day by day. Honestly, Where We Are Headed can have little to do with the true God who created us to BE who we are and DO as we are.
As we close out this series of posts I want to share a word with us that may prove a point many of us long for. That word is Reconstructing.
Many Christians have worked through the difficult process of Deconstructing matters that did not fit within their faith.
The problem with many is that once they Deconstruct, they have nothing more to do. This leaves one finishing the 1st Half while not returning to play the 2nd Half.
Overcoming old ideas seems useless without something to take their place. Jesus’ whole mission in life was to empower us to live in New Truth.
“I have come that you may have life and have it to the full.” (Jn.10)
Salvation doesn’t just happen: Salvation is always happening!
Remember that God doesn’t simply give us what we need in life.
He gives what others need from us for their lives.
The Christian has a calling and a responsibility to think, work, and live in terms of how the World ought to be.
Pin that somewhere, and allow it to change you and those who need you.
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