2 minute read.


This opening line is a question everyone longs to answer.

As we grow from one year to the next, a Life well Lived becomes the Legacy that we inherit.

Every day we live, can be, an open opportunity for us to get serious about pursuing our BEING.

I say that because you and I, somehow focus down most of our time on DOING.

Both are necessary, and both can work together, but God’s choice seems to be that until we become who He has created us to be, doing the things we DO will never bring us the absolute fullness of life Jesus spoke about so often.

I have this short mantra that continues to put me back in place when I get lost.

What Matters Identifies Who I Am and Who I Become is the Purpose of My Life.

Play with that statement. Change it as you see fit. Then use it day by day. It can change your approach to living.

In the journey, we travel there is much out there that will distract us. 

I ran across this statement from Brene’ Brown recently;

“We will not participate in the race to nowhere”

Read that over and over this week and see how it can change your Heart and Mind.

When I first read those 9 words, I jotted down a few thoughts.

First one hit me like a rock! It’s time to stop pretending (if that’s what I am doing here)

Second thought was that word, participate. This one hit me with two rocks. I’ve been writing (on and off) a book God had given me to write before the tragic loss of my son, Bryan. 

I chose to put that book to the side until I recalled how often Bryan would ask me; Hey Pops, how’s that book going?

Not wanting to answer in those days I lied. I would reply, It’s going good Bryan, thanks for asking.

And Third, those four words Brene’ Brown finished with; 

“the race to nowhere.” Haunting in some ways.

I Happened to become entangled with those four words. Life was good but Brown’s words cut into me. I could not run away from them because they smelled of TRUTH!

What Matters In Life? 

The Truth.

It always has and always will. 

And you and I are still being formed by a God who longs for us to embrace who we are more than what we do.

Spend some time this week wrestling with that reality. I’ll be there with you doing the same.




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